Only God Knows

Only Allah Swt knows the burden that I carried the whole of last week and the weeks after... The workload that I have to deal with daily... dealing with Pr_s_n_rs are already a challenge... what more their family members... I am the O/C now... not a promotion rankwise... but only designation wise... Officer in Charge... looks cool on my namecard ... well respected too.... but the post carry with it the job of an assistant and an employee too... get it? A one man show to deal with everything that comes under my office... They promise an assistant is going to come soon... but how soon?
Supt came to see me... telling me he have faith that I can do a good job... apologising for not being able to get an assistant anywhere in the near future... Glad enough that I could have his support... At least the management sympathise with me.. Till then my dear friends... I have to say NO to all evening outings and even Saturday movies darling... I cant afford to let my mind rest till everything at work is smooth ...
Cheers [*n*]
wow ... social life is put to a standstill. That's what I felt now. Want to go out but felt guilty abt leaving Ahmad behind. To bring him along ... need more support. Bringing his pram plus his baby bag and all ... heheh ...
Oh but having that sweet chubby innocent looking Ahmad smiling back at you is too priceless to be compared to anything in this whole wide world. I would give the world to be in your shoes! Muacks
hello, ilah...take time to breathe, ok?
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Hahha... Supts from whichever service are all weird! Mine nominated me for some training which I'm not sure exactly what. Title sure sounds weird though!
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