Saturday, November 11, 2006

Raya With F15

Yeah Finally it became a reality...
We manage to jalan raya..
Though not like old times...
Was doing some reflection with Nuyul during the drive..
Realise we are better off as Students than working adults...
How we could now afford cars and cabs but could only make time to visit only 3 houses...
How we were busy with schoolwork and exams but there is always time to share a Cheeseburger...
Now we are just super busy adults running around with our daily lifes ...
But jus knowing having friends like you around means the world to me!
To F15 & Semut Biru...I'm proud to say that the 4 of you are my longest surviving friends around...
Lets celebrate 13 years of friendship!
And presenting the latest addition to F15...
Siti Aisyah with her God moms!


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