(pl. nemeses /nemmiseez/) An inescapable agent of retribution
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Friday, June 02, 2006
Its been a month...
Updates , updates, updates...
Hubi's kedai doing very well indeed ... better than expected.. Alhamdulilah... Unfortunately it has its Boo-boo too... I get to see hubi much lesser this days.. Im asleep when he is back and I am still asleep when he leave... and he doesnt have any off days... hubi I miss you dearly... Just got to be patient these days... Gotta gif him the most support ... If not me who else?
For those who keeps asking me the when question... Well... rezki is not on my side yet.. my turn to be a mummy have not yet come... just stay tune for better updates in the near future k... insya-allah... or maybe Amin... :p
Today reported sick.. relapse of Haemorroid .. AGAIN.. its the most painful not to mention irritating disease or illness... (I have that many to compare is it?... hmmm)... Well, it reminds me of my daily intake of fluid.. I dont like to drink water... hmm maybe should call the Femme 15 gang and the beast for an outing again... I can drink 2 mugs of Sugarcane Juice in one sitting. Sure I need that much liquid now...
hehehe... While visiting the doctor I also visited the nearby HP shop... Got myself a brand new hp with a new line.. so now nobody can complain I am uncontactable... Its a Motorola V3... wanted the flashy pink but its outta stock... so gotta get the balck one.. Hubi decided to pamper me for all the lonely days that I have endure.. yeah.. We got a pair... So loving... Auwww..