Saturday, January 28, 2006

Only God Knows

Only Allah Swt knows the burden that I carried the whole of last week and the weeks after... The workload that I have to deal with daily... dealing with Pr_s_n_rs are already a challenge... what more their family members... I am the O/C now... not a promotion rankwise... but only designation wise... Officer in Charge... looks cool on my namecard ... well respected too.... but the post carry with it the job of an assistant and an employee too... get it? A one man show to deal with everything that comes under my office... They promise an assistant is going to come soon... but how soon?

Supt came to see me... telling me he have faith that I can do a good job... apologising for not being able to get an assistant anywhere in the near future... Glad enough that I could have his support... At least the management sympathise with me.. Till then my dear friends... I have to say NO to all evening outings and even Saturday movies darling... I cant afford to let my mind rest till everything at work is smooth ...

Cheers [*n*]

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


I am blogged? Thats an understatement?

How haf I been doing? At work... surviving... breathing fire through my nose... Had to attend an urgent meeting for my boss today.. in the midst of trying to meet the dateline for all the other paperwork... if I really had the power , I really felt like squeezing the juices out of him... Guess cant blame him much... he is stressed out of his skin himself... to many reshufflement... new staff cant be trusted yet... guess I'm the scapegoat for the time being...

Btw Lin.. lil Ahmad looks real strong now... So happy for him... Gif him a kiss from Mami ilah okie?

Mahd? How you been doin yourself babe?

ps:- Can you imagine the look on my hubby's face when he enters the study and sees me typing away in front of the PC with my telekung on! Ihik... So funny... Tgh simpan wudhuk nak sholat Ishak! Muacks... Sayang dier... Sowie!

Monday, January 23, 2006


Baby Boom!
Congrats Ms Linda... Wonder how Baby Lea looks like... Hmm must be just like her mummy... Pray hard for my turn next k? Insya-allah!

Head Boom!
Its terrible at work. Stuff just gets worse by the day. Work piling up. And my oh so super tak understanding Boss keeps giving me more task to do by the minute. This notes, that minutes, the work process.. I totally know how a robot must have felt!

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Multi Tasking?

Ever wonder what your boss really means when he said he expects you to multi task?

Juggling a phonecall on your right ear, screaming to a colleague paging you through the intercom all consecutively while trying to make copies of documents for another awaiting client.

Multitasking? Hey and at the same time wanting you to focus on your tasks at hand.

Latest news, the colleague sitting next to me is to be posted to another institution. Well you have guessed it! I am left with my own devices to take over her duties at the same time maintaining the good order of my own duties. Better news, her posting takes effect 1st Feb. No news yet of a replacement for her. So its a one superwoman show till then. Why am I always caught in the middle of the departmental last minute weird nonsensical decisions?

Thursday, January 12, 2006


Its retreat day at work today. Issues were discussed but I wasnt there mentally. Somehow I told myself not to participate. Am I being complacent at where I am now or was I just incoorperative. Heck ... I just choose to be a passenger and it works. No one realise I existed and I was happy where I was. However I was developing my own school of thoughts while sitting there in my corner. An unanswered question...

Why is it called a Retreat when you discuss about future plans? Urgh...

And I still have to go ahead with the order from the Oh-So-Irritating salesgirl cause its a registered vendor of the department. And delivery will be tomorrow. Imagine the look on my face when she called me just now to tell me that she have a shortage of supply for the door gift she recommended me.And I thought a shortage of 5-10 pcs. But she informed that she could only provide for 10% of my order. Shortage=90% of qty.


Oh I had a good time giving her a piece of my mind and you know how good I can be at it. Well she decided to compensate me with a more expensive and bigger version of the one I ordered. I had the last laugh. Hahahahahaha! I am so GOOD! I am very Good! I am so very GOOD!


Do I look like I care. Cos I don't!

Saturday, January 07, 2006


Talking about how much a person could irritate you. urgh...

Dateline: 14th Dec 2006

Budget: $1200 only
Participants: 90 pax
To buy List: Doorgifts, Game Prizes, Tokens of appreciation & Lucky Draw Prizes.

Quotation from Vendor looks like this:
HI Suhailah,
I have a few items:
1) COffee maker as shown during the meeting
2) Cockereal set
3) Toyomi - Mini Fridge
4) Toyomi - Toaster
5) Toyomi - Slow cooker
6) Toyomi - Steam boat
7) Toyomi - Air pot
8)Toyomi - blender
You can probably choose thumbdrive or repetitive items.
Another 2 items you can get is probably a mini fridge for the car/room.
And the toyomi's electric kettle also to make it 10 unit.

Gosh...And I am suppose to give a confirmation by today for the stuff to be delivered by Wednesday. What luck? And one things for sure... i wont be a regular customer... Luckily its not my money I am spending...

Someone have mercy on me and help me out on this one... Its huge stuff man!

Starting... @ Nothing

Just figure that a shift from my old page would do me good. Nevermind the reasons...

Rehab, Renew, Restart.
Familiar... Go find out...